Article 1    (Purpose)

These Terms and Conditions aim to stipulate matters related to the rights and obligations between the persons who trade goods or services using the e-commerce-related services provided by the online platform MOM operated by Market of Material Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the “Company”), rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the members and the Company, procedures for the use of the service by members, etc.

Article 2    (Definition of Terms)

The terms used in these Terms and Conditions are defined as follows. The meanings of the terms used in these Terms and Conditions but not defined herein are subject to general business practice.

  1. “Online platform” means a virtual business place (including all websites operated by the Company, such as, mobile web, and apps) set up by the Company to provide goods or services, etc. (including the right to use certain facilities or to receive services; hereinafter referred to as “products, etc.”) to members so that they can trade products, etc. using information and communication facilities such as computers.
  2. “Users” refer to members and non-members who receive the services provided by the Company in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  3. “Member” refers to a person who has registered as a member on the online platform and who can continue to use the services provided on the online platform.
  4. “ID” refers to the registered e-mail address set by the member and approved by the Company for member identification and service use.
  5. “Password” refers to a combination of letters and numbers set by the member and registered on the online platform in order to confirm the identity of the member and to protect the rights and interests and confidentiality of the member.
  6. “MarketPlace Service” refers to any of the mail-order brokerage services and related supplementary services provided by the Company through the online platform.
  7. "Seller" means a person who has approved the "Terms and Conditions of the Market of Material Service Use (for business owner)" and entered into a MarketPlace Service use contract with the Company or who actually sells products, etc. using the MarketPlace Service.
  8. “Affiliate” means online and offline companies that can trade products, etc. or provide various kinds of information and benefits to members by signing a contract with the Company. The affiliate is notified on the Market of Material or individual serve websites provided by the Company and may be terminated or added according to the circumstances of the Company and affiliate.
  9. “Purchase confirmation period” is the period during which the member must express his/her intention to complete the purchase (purchase confirmation, return, or exchange) with respect to the transaction. It refers to the period until the 7th day from the date of receipt of the products, etc. (if the date of receipt of products, etc. cannot be confirmed, such as goods to be installed, etc., the 21st day from the date of completion of shipment is regarded as the date of receipt of the products, etc., and it refers to the period until the 7th day thereafter).
  10. “Dispute Mediation Center” refers to a dispute mediation body exceptionally established and operated by the Company for the rational and smooth mediation of disputes. In principle, when a dispute arises in a transaction through the Market of Material, the seller and the member resolve it autonomously.

Article 3    (Statement, Explanation, and Amendment of Terms and Conditions)

(1)    The Company shall post information on the contents of these Terms and Conditions, name of company and representative, business address (including the address that can handle consumer complaints), phone number, fax number, e-mail address, business registration number, mail order distributor business registration number, and person in charge of personal information management on the initial service screen of the online platform so that members can easily check them. However, the specific contents of the Terms and Conditions may be made available to the member through the connected screen.

(2)    The Company may amend these Terms and Conditions to the extent that such does not violate the relevant laws and regulations such as Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc., Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions, Electronic Financial Transactions Act, Digital Signature Act, Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc., and Framework Act on Consumers.

(3)     When the Company revises these Terms and Conditions, the effective date and the reason for revision shall be specified for announcement along with the current Terms and Conditions on the screen of the online platform beginning 7 days before the effective date (however, 30 days in case of changes to contents unfavorable to members) until the day before the effective date.

(4)    The Terms and Conditions changed under Paragraph 3 shall not be applied retroactively to matters before the effective date unless there are special provisions in the relevant laws and regulations or other unavoidable reasons.